Monday, March 14, 2011

Sunday Snapshot: Dress up

 A friend from dance class has 2 daughters who are slightly older than my girls.  She offered to give us some things her kids had outgrown and the girls were thrilled to find new dress-up clothes!
E already had the lovely princess hat (is there a better name for this?) and was thrilled to get a new princess dress to go along with it!

Such a beauty!

Mi princesa Guatemalteca!
B received a cute Minnie Mouse dress.  Without the ears and with those shoes(and yes, so thrilled to have shoes "with high heels!"), she looks a bit like a 50's housewife to me! ;-)
Pretty! Pretty! Pretty!

Goodness gracious!

Ni Hao Yall


  1. Your girls are absolutely beautiful!!

  2. Ooooo, princess dresses/hats are the best kind of hand-me-downs!

    (So glad you guys liked the easter craft!)
