Monday, March 14, 2011

Sunday Snapshot: Dress up

 A friend from dance class has 2 daughters who are slightly older than my girls.  She offered to give us some things her kids had outgrown and the girls were thrilled to find new dress-up clothes!
E already had the lovely princess hat (is there a better name for this?) and was thrilled to get a new princess dress to go along with it!

Such a beauty!

Mi princesa Guatemalteca!
B received a cute Minnie Mouse dress.  Without the ears and with those shoes(and yes, so thrilled to have shoes "with high heels!"), she looks a bit like a 50's housewife to me! ;-)
Pretty! Pretty! Pretty!

Goodness gracious!

Ni Hao Yall

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Black and White Wednesday:Growing Up

Taking some pics of my girlies the other day, I realized how much they are growing up.  Miss B, sporting her new 'do, looks like such a big girl.  She can't wait to turn 7 this summer. 
And my baby.  Ok, she's almost 4 and a half, but always my baby. Right?

Not loving the rain.  Miss B is ready for spring so she can play outside.  Love this pic of her in this quiet and introspective mood.

See the The Long Road to China for more Black and White Wednesday photo fun!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday Snapshot: Locks of Love

B has needed a haircut for quite a while.

Her hair was really long.  As you can see (from the wavy hair), it stayed in braids most of the time.  Otherwise it was tangle city. Since her hair was so so long, I asked B if she was interested in donating her hair to locks of love.  She was very excited to donate her hair (even insisting we stay when the wait was so so long). 
Here we go!

A bit of a shock!

Feeling proud!

And yes, she loves her new sassy 'do!

And is proudly telling everyone that she donated her hair.  I love her giving little heart!

Ni Hao Yall